Hello world!

Well, this is just the intro. Nothing more, nothing less.  This is where you get to know me, my ideology, and my likes and disdains. Well, hate to break it to you right off the bat, but, I’m going to have to write the prose of me at a later time.

I will say this though….I was once a happy-go-lucky, naive, and simple lad, content within the confines of my ‘happy place’. But, since being enrolled in the school of hard knocks, have become jaded to the workings of failed empires, changing tides of societal mentality, and stupid people behind the wheel.

In other words, I have solutions.  It’s the lost art of “common sense”.  Something that I hope to resurrect. Well, not me alone.  I would love to have an entire mass grow with an urge to “sense” some reality back to society!

We’ll talk later.  For now, fare thee well!